We are children of the stars and the sacred seeds...

We are children of the stars and the sacred seeds...

We are children of the stars and the sacred seeds...

We are children of the stars and the sacred seeds...

The Star Origins of Cacao

We are children of the stars and the sacred seeds of cacao bring us home to our heart...

The Star Origins of Cacao

Cacao is the aphrodisiac star food of the Goddess, bequeathed upon Earth by our sister planet, Venus.  She is in the rich fertile soil and the evergreen tree of the jungle, river and mountains.  Reverence is held for her by the indigenous traditions and wisdom keepers who came before us, and who have kept these ceremonies alive.  They are the ancestral guardians and protectors of this knowledge and our connection to this living world.

Secrets are hidden deep in the roots of the cacao tree and intertwined in her branches, as her trunk reaches for the sky.  One of the signatures of Venus is creative prosperity in the garden of paradise.  In Aztec and Mayan societies, cacao seeds were highly regarded as currency and valued the same as gold. There are however many other expressions of this mystical gift with the heavens meeting the earth.

Cacao is the star gift of love, joy and peace to our world.

In her harvesting, she is naked in her beauty, with incandescent hues of purple and brown. This heavenly celebration seeks the highest form of expression through euphoric bliss and vitality.  These are her gifts to our earthly, human realm through her flowers and pod.

The Venusian code of nature emblazoned on the temple doors reawakens the spirit of human love to divine love - a unified, yet embodied experience. The psychic doorways open to restore balance with enhanced levels of consciousness and tranquility within.

Cacao offers us intimacy, sensuality and life connection.  The heart-felt exchange with the Divine Mother energy emanates from this holy sacrament.  Gentle insight and communication connect both integrity and grace with a transpersonal love for humanity.


Venus is the Cosmic Feminine Rose and bestows her love upon us.

Every 8 years, Venus as a planet goes around the Sun 13 times.  She is known as the Cosmic Feminine Rose due to her movements representing the flower of life when viewed from the perspective of earth.  Venus is also the brightest celestial body in the sky after the sun and the moon.   

Astrologically, Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus, the earthly embodiment of pleasure and the senses.  Venus also governs the zodiacal sign of Libra representing balance; harmony, artistic beauty and graceful connections - being in right relationship with ourselves, each other, our community and the natural world around us.

In communion with Venus, we hold an intimate kinship for the medicine of our plant kingdom.  Aligned with the cosmic celebrations, the ancient ones would engage in the holy rites of fertility, ultimately experiencing an orgasmic connection with all of creation.  As earth-based cultures they had extensive knowledge of the celestial energies and the rapturous ways of both pleasure and enlightenment.


Let your heart crumble into an infinite amount of tiny, precious seeds. Then plant love everywhere you go.” — Anita Krizzan


The element of true surrender is deeply humbling as we may not logically understand what is happening.  However, cacao is a gentle heart opener and greatly benefits the mind, the body and the soul. During these times, we are reminded after the darkest night, dawn always comes. This divine star gift is present with us offering guidance and clarity.

The wealth of wisdom embedded in these ancient myths is still relevant for our contemporary times as everything is sacred in life. The cycle of creation continues, as this precious gift of Venus returns us to a place of deep love, acceptance and peacefulness. 

A return to self, to nurture one’s heart, and consciously engage with the star spirit of cacao for the evolution of humanity.

Remember this is a gift of love from the stars!


Let love rule – Loco Love


With much love from the dreaming pod,

Mikailah x


Instagram @starwitchastrology