We are in the solar season of Gemini / mutable air 21st May – 21st June. This
activates the olfactory senses reminiscent of exotic perfumes and fragrances where myths and legends merge with the stories of the moon and the stars.
Gemini can be a restless, mercurial energy so remember to stay present in the
moment with love, patience and groundedness.
Venus moves into the creative fire sign of Leo from 6th June. The golden Venusian
light codes offer the gift of joyful creativity and divine expression that is so needed for all after some tense astrological times. Leo offers the potential to discover the
special role you have to play in the world. It is important to never to under estimate the healing of home & family.
For the first time in twelve years, Jupiter has moved into the sensual sign of Taurus (ruled by Venus). This astrological signature is a celestial partnership of expansive, bountiful blessings till the end of May 2024 when Jupiter moves into Gemini.
Love and wisdom play beautifully together with Jupiter moving towards the North
Node in Taurus. The North Node aka the Dragon’s Head represents destiny and
future potential in life – the collective & personal pathway of purpose and fulfillment.
Remember to offer gratitude prayers each day for all you have and your own unique wisdom.
We have the Full Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday 4th June. This freedom-loving sign is governed by the optimistic and generous Jupiter. A time of celebration as the light of the full moon brings euphoric bliss. Be careful not to overindulge as we also have the excessive side of Jupiter in this mix.
Botanicals of Jupiter are dandelion, lemon balm, frankincense and oak.
Spend a moment conjuring up images of decadent banquet tables covered in rose
and violet petals. The traditional Chiriklo, the bird of happiness sings tales of magic and adventure of the free-spirited wild folk who love to travel the lands. This is the perfect vibrant imagery for the Gemini solar energies with the Full Moon in Sagittarius.
The eagle (sacred to Jupiter) soaring above in the sky, offers us a supportive nature, good fortune and a higher awareness. This welcomed omen bodes well for creative prosperity and conscious entrepreneurship. There are of course other astrological planetary aspects that always need to be considered before any major plan comes to fruition. We have Venus Retrograde to consider throughout August 2023 (more on this in July).
Here in the southern hemisphere we are in the winter cauldron of deep rest and
dreaming. The solstice approaches on 22nd June when we have the darkest night
and the shortest day. It is beautiful to have the element of fire during this time as we reflect on the changing year.
The returning of light as the wheel of the year turns.
- Where can you create more pleasure in your life?
- What engages your senses and inspires you?
- Do you have a special contribution to offer the world?
- Where can you be more present in the moment with yourself?
- Create a gratitude list for yourself
May the bird song delight the heart during this astrological month of Gemini.
Much love from the dreaming pod...
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