Spell-bound and captivating are the heavenly skies for February with a rare alignment of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets will be present in the night sky from 21st January till around 21st February.
Venus, the Evening Star and Neptune dance with the Pisces North Node on 2nd February. This is a truly sublime day to find your favourite spot in nature or a hidden, serene hideaway to sip blue lotus tea and relax. Restoring your spirit to a state of profound nourishment as you let go and surrender into blissful creativity. Reflect on the expansive ocean, which is governed by Neptune, the planet of transpersonal love and mystical consciousness. Meditate on the element of water as the source of all life. Water flows with the spiritual memory and healing for clarity and new direction – to find peace within one’s life. The gift of the Pisces North Node is to focus on your soul purpose with a deeper connection to others and humanity.
“The Universe is not outside you.
Look inside yourself, for everything that you want you already are.” - Rumi
In the solar month of Aquarius till 18th February. The weird and wonderful is the main theme calling forth the revolutionary agent of change and the freedom to express your unique individuality. After an intense and emotional Cancer Full Moon last month, the current cosmic energies support liberated change with innovative concepts and ideas to be grounded in your world around you. Harness the excitement of potential possibilities and create the everyday magic in your life by changing up your daily rhythm and routine.
The technological age is ruled by Uranus, the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius (fixed air). While this has its benefits, grounding and earthing techniques can help you stay in connection with nature. Try to balance this with your circadian rhythm and limit the amount of time you spend on electronic devices.
The world is changing, and the future of community depends on conscious group awareness to break out of old stigmas and outdated social conditionings. We are in profound times of great social transformation, and it is important to consider what we want to contribute for the conservation of the earth and the sustainability of humankind alongside evolutionary hope and love for the future.
What is your contribution to society and humankind?
Mercury Cazimi on 9th February. This is an extremely auspicious and powerful alignment of the Sun and Mercury, the planet of communication. The term Cazimi means ‘in the heart of the Sun.’ When a planet meets the Sun in an exact conjunction, it is given an extra dose of strength and illumination. The blueprint of a Mercury Cazimi is to weave the magic with your words and intentions and to be extra quirky!
Planetary botanicals of Mercury: Chrysanthemum, Honeysuckle & Lavender
Full Moon Leo on 13th February @ 00.53am AEDT. This full moon be brave and courageous as sometimes our vulnerable hearts have been hurt in friendships and relationships. Indulge in a decadent day out and let your heart expand with joyful connection to those precious ones around you. Remember this is about heart-felt sharing and choosing not to engage in any dramatic or disruptive emotional energies.
Let the love shine brightly and be kind to those around you.
Somatic movement is also important to release any stagnant energies which in turn will balance the body, heart, and mind. Laughter is the best medicine of all with this playful and engaging Leo Full Moon.
Planetary botanicals of the Sun: Cinnamon, Frankincense & Marigold
New Moon in Pisces on 28th February @ 11:45am AEST. We welcome this dark moon as we soften into the rhythms of nature. The zodiac's twelfth and final sign signifies the end of the astrological year. The emotional, watery realm of Pisces can be challenging for the more empathic and sensitive souls. Take the time to relax and dream quietly as you connect into the divine and mystical love of the universe.
Planetary botanicals of Neptune: Passionflower & Valerian
What creative projects do you want to bring in for the year ahead?
What is your favourite place in nature to dream?
What are your intentions for the dark/new moon?
What are you celebrating over the full moon?
YOU are precious and so is your heart!
Much love from the dreaming pod,
Mikailah Rachael
Evolutionary Astrologer & Transpersonal Therapist
Book a session: www.starwitchastrology.com
Instagram: @starwitchastrology
Podcast: For Magickal Folk on Spotify/Apple