As we emerge from the winter months of rebirth into the new life of spring, the theme of contemplation in nature is the guide this month with Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Sun highlighting the cosmic show.
Dark Moon in Virgo on 3rd September @ 11.55am AEST
The dark moon is an auspicious time to create joy in nature and let yourself dream and rest. Everyday routines and rituals are all associated with the mutable earth energy of Virgo. This health-conscious sign is known for its ability to make wise decisions and has a strong connection to physical well-being. Making other people's lives better is the love language of the Virgo season.
Mercury enters Virgo from 9th September and is full speed ahead, so this is the ideal time to declutter and organise your personal space. If life is hectic and overwhelming, stretching and moving your body is the key whilst creating spontaneity and spaciousness in your daily life. Instead of dwelling on hypothetical scenarios, learn to be patient and compassionate with yourself whilst trying not to overanalyse or overthink actions. Most importantly, focus on the vibrations of love, rather than fear. The art of journalling is beneficial to explore your thoughts, even just for a few moments each day.
“I dreamt last night that there were honeybees in my heart.
making honey out of my old failures.” ~ Antonia Machado
A divine air trine between Venus and Jupiter on 15th September brings generosity of spirit, especially in love and relationships. Venus harmonises sweetly with optimistic Jupiter and this delightful aspect engages the senses of pleasure and wild adventure whilst attracting into your life what you wish to manifest. Energy follows intent with this inspirational partnership so draw in the magic of good fortune and abundance with your intentions and ritual-making.
Full Moon in Pisces / Lunar Eclipse 18th September @ 12.34pm AEST
The water sign of Pisces is ethereal and empathic, ruled by emotions and intense sensitivity. This mutable sign is the dreamer of the zodiac, casting a magical haze over the harshness of everyday existence.
With the Full Moon/lunar eclipse, experiencing emotional turmoil and despair may force difficult decisions. Life can be messy and unpredictable at times, so surf the emotional waves as Neptune, the planetary ruler of Pisces is retrograde at a significant karmic 29-degree point in a great cosmic cycle. Neptune expresses love which transcends all boundaries and cultivates faith and trust towards a greater purpose in life with a softness to move forward and not stay stuck in the past.
Find a peaceful place in nature, listen to music, meditate with a focus on surrendering and letting go, stargazing or watching the moon if you are feeling mentally or emotionally spent. Your heart maybe feeling extremely tender so lean into your body's senses and gift yourself the freedom to unwind as this is a huge bittersweet month of release and renewal.
Sun enters Libra on 22nd September and the Equinox Gateway.
The celebration of spring signifies new beginnings filled with potential and possibility. Each year when the Sun moves into Libra (cardinal air) it aligns with the equinox and the balance of day and night. This serves as a timely reminder to invoke peace with the winds of change. The secret is to strike a balance and consider any situations in which you have sacrificed your own desires to appease someone else.
Breath in hope and inspiration, knowing you are worth it to rebalance the scales in your favour.
Remember your wildness with the return of spring.
1. What are your intentions for the equinox?
2. Reflect on the lunar eclipse and your wild spirit?
3. How does your physical body feel with the return of spring?
4. How can you create more magic in your everyday life?
Much love from the dreaming pod.
Written by Mikailah Rachael
Follow me on instagram @starwitchastrology