October invites reflection on love, relationships, and inner desires, as...

October invites reflection on love, relationships, and inner desires, as...

October invites reflection on love, relationships, and inner desires, as...

October invites reflection on love, relationships, and inner desires, as...

Astrology Insights For October 2024

October invites reflection on love, relationships, and inner desires, as the Solar Eclipse in Libra sparks renewal, Mercury in Scorpio prompts transformation, and Venus in Sagittarius encourages adventure and expansion.  

Astrology Insights For October 2024
October is a time where the universe brings awareness to feelings of love and gratitude. Libra season is symbolised by the scales, which stand for the harmony of life, relationships, and your own desires - a key theme of this month.


Solar Eclipse/Dark Moon in Libra on 3rd October @ 4.44am AEST  

October is traditionally the month for inspiration and creation. Venus, the planetary ruler of Libra prompts reflection on your innermost desires and emotions regarding both divine and personal love. The dynamics of self and other are harmoniously balanced in the sign of Libra (cardinal air) while the darkness of the solar eclipse provides the means for a fresh start.


For you, what does the essence of love mean?  


Now is the perfect moment to plant the seeds of fresh beginnings in your relationships, finances, and aspirations for the future. Venus/Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and fertility is renowned in her heavenly playground for creating gardens filled with flowers, seashells, and exquisite fragrant plants. When you indulge in earthy pleasures and appreciate creative beauty in all its forms, let the magnificent aroma invoke your inner muse.  

Venus is elegance personified, and the element of air sparks the imagination, inspiring poets and creative artisans creating sensory-rich experiences. Venus encourages your spirit to create, as Libra infuses the codes of love and kindness towards earth and humanity, especially during these challenging times in both the personal and collective. 


Mercury enters Scorpio from 14th October, the planet of communication dives deep into the dark subconscious waters of the psyche leaving no stone unturned in the wake of truth seeking. Of all the water signs, Scorpio is the most mysterious, albeit secretive and intensely emotional. Go wisely with these strong energies since everything may be amplified as this is a highly charged time and it may indicate what dramatic angst needs to finally be released. If you have wanted transformation and change to be present in your life, this is the time to shed the old, wipe the slate clean and start afresh with trust in the process. 


“Beyond ideas of right and wrong 

There is a field, I will meet you there.” Rumi 


Full Moon in Aries on 17th October @ 10.26pm AEDT 

Celebrate with wild abandon as the cardinal fire sign of Aries is enthusiastic and full of impulsivity. Remember with endings and new beginnings, emotions may be intense with the full moon so focus on what you wish to create. The spark of initiation is sometimes what is required to ignite new projects as the moon connects us to our emotions and memories of the past. This full moon inspires you to move on and finally close old chapters where there has been hurt and pain. Sometimes transitions are hard, but Aries brings in the confidence and motivation to forge a new path ahead. 


Trust in the transformation of change. 


Venus enters Sagittarius on 18th October brings forth the freedom-loving spirit of joy and happiness. Embrace your wild nature and plan for adventures exploring new horizons with travel or study. Feel the expansion as this playful, reinvigorating energy charges up the atmosphere after months of intensity in the astrological skies. Think boldly and remind yourself of what is important with new visions and a bigger sense of purpose to your life. 


Embrace your wild spirit with the love you have for nature.  


Sun enters Scorpio on 23rd October – 22nd November. 

This is a bewitching month of chthonic power as the sun illuminates all that has been hidden in the shadows of the psyche. Remember you are the magic of all you yield in your life as the stars reveal the gift of regeneration and rebirth during this solar season. More will be explored on these themes of intense alchemy and intuitive wisdom next month. 



· Where do you create love and beauty?  

· What adventure does your wild spirit want to take?  

· Where do you find happiness in creativity?  

· Where can you create more magic in your life?  


Much love from the dreaming pod. 


Written by Mikailah Rachael 


Follow me on instagram @starwitchastrology 

FOR MAGICKAL FOLK – podcast on Spotify/Apple