November’s Scorpio season calls you to dive deep, release old...

November’s Scorpio season calls you to dive deep, release old...

November’s Scorpio season calls you to dive deep, release old...

November’s Scorpio season calls you to dive deep, release old...

Astrology Insights For November 2024

November’s Scorpio season calls you to dive deep, release old patterns, and embrace transformative change as Pluto shifts into visionary Aquarius. Tune in to the magic of the cosmos and let your intuition guide the way!

Astrology Insights For November 2024

The month of November brings the dark, mysterious and sultry energies of Scorpio with the alluring undercurrents of passionate, scorching emotion and intuitive, psychic abilities.  Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and has an uncanny ability for unearthing all the secrets that lie hidden in the underworld.  


This is the season to dive deep into the psyche and release emotional pain or any potentially destructive patterns that are not serving your wellbeing.  Or maybe this is where you want to be brave and try something completely new – to embrace a bold, avant-garde way of being with the monumental shift of Pluto into Aquarius. 




What does all this mean in the astrological world?   

Pluto, the modern planetary ruler of Scorpio, governs the potent cycles of endings and beginnings.  Pluto is the true magician and alchemist, and a symbol of regeneration with the underworld connection to darkness and the fecundity of the earth.  Ancient mythological references allow the imagination to embrace all aspects of the human existence in the realms of chaos and rebirth.   


Pluto is making a final appearance in Capricorn (structures/authority) where it has been since 2007 and is finally moving into Aquarius (innovation/social change) on 20th November 2024, and stays there till 2044.  This collective Aquarius shift for the next twenty years is exciting news for all progressive trends in art, music, literature, ecology, biophilia, science and business. 


The planetary energy of Aquarius is freedom from confining circumstances that do not motivate or inspire as the collective ventures into unchartered landscapes. this can signify an aspect of life where you have been holding on for far too long and it has now reached its own conclusion and natural swan song. This is a powerful time for radical self-responsibility and to meet those vulnerable aspects whilst sitting in honest reflection exploring the depths of your naked soul.   


As Pluto departs with the chthonic swan song from the Capricorn Sea-Goat into the Aquarius Water Bearer, what is the final act of this strong planetary force? 


The dark is where you find the most potent life force for creation and abscission. This conjures up images of liminal times and places outside of the ordinary- doorways, pathways and crossroads of secret meeting places at the midnight hour of mystery and magic. The closing of the old day and the beginning of the new as the last petal falls from the flower. 


The season of Scorpio offers an incredible opportunity to embrace the challenges if you so choose; with insights into how to channel these energies in a healthy way. It is important to remember astrological planets and zodiacal signs have bright, healthy expressions but they also have shadow-values associated with them. The Plutonic themes bring intense alchemy, shadow projections, power play, exposure of secrets and dramatic interactions or control which may surface.  Scorpio governs financial relationships, sexuality, trust issues, inheritances – financial or psychic, intuitive wisdom and laser-sharp perception. 


Welcome the challenges, embrace the initiation into higher awareness to rise like the phoenix out of the ashes.  Astrology is a potent, psychological map so as always feel into what is right for your own intentions.  Words have power and magic is imbued in all that is read and focussed on.  Bring mindfulness to this within your everyday life and carve your own destiny with an extra dash of planetary magic if you so desire. 


Lunar updates for the month… 

Dark Moon in Scorpio on Friday 1st November @ 11.47pm NSW.  This sets the monthly lunar tone with the transformative energy melding together as the dark moon finds solace within the collective psyche as it forms a harmonious trine to Saturn for strength and support. Three nights after the dark moon when the waxing crescent moon appears at twilight to the west, constructively channel cherished dreams with self-directed action as Venus (beauty, love & luxury) activates the energetic heart centre in the zodiacal sign of the adventurer, Sagittarius.  


Full Moon in Taurus on 16th November @ 8.28am NSW time. This moonlight night is ideal for balancing the solar energies that are intensely alchemical due to a tense square to underworld Pluto, in cardinal Capricorn.  


This eco-sensual sign of Taurus (ruled by Venus) has a desire to commune with nature and a deep love of life. With overtones of activism and embracing the ethos of devotion by not exploiting the earth’s resources, albeit this is as old as our ancestors and the crystals and trees themselves, to actually perceive nature as your lover is a whole new definition with an innovative, biophilia edge of bringing the magic of the earth more into your life and living space. This is a truly sensual expression to explore for yourself over the full moon. 


For those of you who need a more enlightened, playful message the sun moves into the solar season of mutable fire, Sagittarius on 22nd November… more on this energetic, fun-loving sign next month! 



  1. What makes your heart sing with passion? 

  2. What is not sustainable anymore? 

  3. What intuitive guidance are you receiving? 

  4. What changes would enhance your true expression in the world? 


The starlight message is to bring love through your heart, with the courage to keep shining bright.  As always trust in your own guidance for you are the magic! 


Much love from the dreaming pod 

Mikailah Rachael 

Instagram @starwitchastrology 

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