This is the radical soul-fire month of powerful heart healing, change and new beginnings.
On 2nd March Venus Retrograde offers the opportunity to reflect and review relationships, personal values and finances. In astrology, Venus embodies personal love, beauty, pleasure, prosperity, magic and creativity. The current Venus retrograde in passionate Aries can impulsively dive headfirst into potentially confrontational situations as the warrioress aspect of Venus challenges us to look at individual needs and desires. She is strong, brash and resilient in this placement so watch out for the sword that swiftly defies convention to cut through all that no longer serves with the highest intention of love and soul purpose.
It is also important to note that we do not always know the bigger picture with retrograde periods. There may be a reason why personal financial arrangements have been revisited or where resistance is felt in relational love with the realignment of personal values. Do not make any hasty decisions till after the retrograde cycle has ended 13th April when Venus stations direct. This is still an introspective time of deep self-enquiry which will reveal what is truly important to you and makes you happy. Sometimes we do not always get what we want in life so do not let this affect your self-esteem as the energies can be raw and visceral due to relationships not always being easy.
On 27th March with the Venus retrograde shift back into dreamy, mystical Pisces, the feminine energy of love gently soothes precious hearts and allows the magical waters to flow with resolution and insight as sometimes we need to let go of the old for the new way to appear with the new version of you.
Planetary botanicals of Venus:
Apple, Cacao, Damiana, Hawthorn, Rose, Seaweed & Violets
Total Lunar Eclipse / Full Moon in Virgo Friday 14th March @ 5:54pm AEDT.
A Lunar eclipse always happens on a full moon and the eclipse energy in the mutable earth sign of Virgo accentuates divine service in the world whilst creating healthier relationships. We are reminded of ancient earth healers and moonlight rituals in honour of the beauty of the earth. Spend time reflecting on the health-giving qualities of plants and the mystery of life with the healing abilities of nature.
Planetary botanicals of the Moon:
Clary Sage, Lemon Balm, Mugwort & Water Lillies.
The Astrological New Year begins with the Sun in Aries on 20th March 2025.
We welcome the Astrological New Year with the equinox as the sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac and the everchanging landscape of the year ahead. This is the perfect time to choose a special word or affirmation for the new cycle as energy follows intent.
On 23rd March the new Aries Venus Star brings hope and renewal for the extraordinary 585-day cycle to come. The synodic return of Venus is part of a bigger cosmic 8-year cycle where the planet Venus continues to form the five-pointed star in the heavenly skies signifying transformation and evolutionary growth. This is an alchemical process of love and healing to your divine nature and relationships. Love conquers all in this placement as assertive Venus strengthens your worth and value out in the world.
This new Venus cycle is a powerful heart healer
with a magical start to the new year.
Partial Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Aries Sunday 29th March @ 9:58pm AEDT.
A solar eclipse always falls on a dark moon and it is a powerful time to consciously sow the new seeds for fresh beginnings. In the cardinal fire sign of Aries, the astrological energy is to be bold and daring in expressing your true self. This new eclipse season brings the metamorphic change of self-actualisation whilst creating more meaningful connections.
Remember the energies over an eclipse season can be intense so take care of yourself and as always trust in the process. Life is forever changing, and surrender is needed as new opportunities pave the way forward.
This is the month to follow your instinctive soul nudges!
What are your dreams for the astrological new year ahead?
What chapters are releasing with the eclipse energies?
Are you accepting and receiving the love that you desire?
Where can you be braver & more courageous in life?
Remember you are the magic and to celebrate YOU!
Much love from the dreaming pod,
Mikailah Rachael
Evolutionary Astrologer & Transpersonal Therapist
Book a session:
Instagram: @starwitchastrology
Podcast: For Magickal Folk on Spotify/Apple