This is the month to bask in all things to...

This is the month to bask in all things to...

This is the month to bask in all things to...

This is the month to bask in all things to...

Astrology Insights for July 2024

This is the month to bask in all things to do with love and beauty as the Evening Star reflects the divine joy and love that is within us all.

Astrology Insights for July 2024

In the month of July, we celebrate VENUS, the QUEEN of LOVE as she returns as the Evening Star. If you are star gazing and wish to catch sight of this celestial beauty, Venus will be visible at twilight out to the west from mid-July till early next year.  


Venus finds a place of profound love and self-acceptance when she rises again as the Evening Star and reclaims her newly acquired wisdom through each of the rainbow chakras. This transformative, universal myth, which is based on the ancient Sumerian poem of Inanna (Venus), the heavenly movement of the Morning and Evening Star, is pertinent to modern-day time because it symbolises human suffering and pain as well as the ultimate gift of resurrection when vulnerability is present in the shattering of old identities.  


The splendour of the Venus Evening Star serves as a constant reminder that, even in these difficult times, dawn always breaks after the darkest night and that the cycle of creation proceeds with kindness towards all living things. With the return of the glorious Queen of Heaven, there will not only be new perspectives from within, but also for the planet. 


This month bask in all things to do with love and beauty as the Evening Star reflects the divine joy and love that is within us all.  


Keep a book of Rumi beside your bedside table.  

Gather flowers and place them around your home. 

Indulge in your favourite treats as you luxuriate in nature. 

Watch the sunset and offer gratitude for what you have in your life. 


Botanicals sacred to Venus: Apple Blossom, Cacao, Damiana, Rose & Violet  


Dark/New Moon in Cancer July 6th @ 8:57am AEST sets the lunar tone to tend to the hearth fire of the home. This is a highly intuitive and sensitive moon, so self-care and nurturing of loved ones is important at this time. Venus is joining both the Sun and the Moon in the water sign of Cancer, so expect ‘big feelings’ to be present alongside a protective nature to this lunar cycle. The dynamic energy of the bold and courageous Aries North Node is calling you to be brave and follow your heart in a personal quest for truth, love and beauty. Remember to relax and be gentle over the dark moon as you connect with loved ones first and foremost. 


Botanicals sacred to the Moon:  Blue Lotus, Jasmine, Water Lilies & Lemon Balm 


Capricorn Full Moon July 22nd @ 8:17pm AEST brings stronger boundaries and opportunities for family healing and stability to the home. Now is the time to let go of any harsh self-judgments and unhealthy, emotional patterns of the past. Set intentions with a strong personal resolve for future plans to be illuminated by the light of the moon. Compassion is a key element as this full moon opens old wounds of the past around personal expression and assertiveness. This is the time to accept support from those you trust and love. You do not need to this on your own and there is an element of surprise with this moon! 


Remember to relax and enjoy the treasures that present in life. 



  1. What are you being called to change in your life 

  2. What is an old identity you are shedding? 

  3. What passions are being reawakened within you? 

  4. What is being mirrored to you that you need to see? 


Much love from the dreaming pod… 

Mikailah Rachael 

IG @starwitchastrology /